I finally got tired of being tired.
The first time I felt strong and fit, I realized that I was powerful. I felt like Wonder Woman in my own body. The hard work was paying off and I was headed to a couples bodybuilding competition in Seattle. Finally!
I went to the gym six days a week, trained with the best, and followed every personal trainer, fitness model, and body builder and worked my a$$ to try to look like them. No shade to these amazing athletes but I didn’t realize how much you sacrifice for your five minutes of fame on that big stage. I never made it to that stage. My fiance (who was also my training partner) and I broke up following 9/11, and I moved on. All that hard work meant nothing. Fast forward 20 years and I’ve decided to fuel that flame once again and help others to do the same.
In 2024, I became an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and in 2025 I added on Bodybuilding Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Functional Aging Specialist and Accountability Coach. I am a Certified Professional Lifestyle Coach in 2016 and worked with teens and parents.
My vision is to help women over 50 increase overall strength, mobility and confidence through my personal training and mindset coaching + accountability programs. I’m building a community of like minded women who crave connection and support.
Join us on this adventure. You are welcome here.